How To Best Preserve Your Wedding Dress Through Dry Cleaning In Orange County

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  • How To Best Preserve Your Wedding Dress Through Dry Cleaning In Orange County

Wedding dresses are a beautiful commodity that is slaved over in development so that on a happy couple’s special day, it can make their day all the more special when the bride wears it. Sadly, for all of its beauty and splendor, the wedding dress is a very delicate piece of attire, often needing the most skilled hands to handle, much less maintain. This can be especially difficult for those who want to maintain its beauty even after the big day. However, there are some methods that can allow you to accomplish this, including contacting dry cleaning company in Orange County.

The Consequences

There will, of course, be those who don’t see the need to preserve the wedding dress or contacting the correct professionals who specialize in this field. While that may be within your right, it’s only fair that you understand the consequences of such an action. Since wedding dresses are usually composed of lace and other delicate materials, they can get damaged easily when exposed to the elements. They can even contract mold if you’re not careful. It can also even crease permanently, making its beautiful form imperfect.

Professional assistance

When it comes to getting a professional to help you preserve your wedding dress, you’re most definitely going to need to put some work into figuring out their methods. Not every professional dry cleaners in Orange County will be able to help you because some are not equipped to clean and preserve certain wedding dresses because they lack the proper technology to do so. With that being said, most of these delicate dresses have a common denominator in the method they can be preserved with. That common denominator is virgin solvent. If certain dry cleaners in Orange County don’t use virgin solvent and instead use recycled solvent, they won’t be able to help you preserve your wedding dress to its fullest potential. 

Your own steps

Of course, should you ever find yourself in a situation where you can’t contact a professional to help you out, you can do it on your own by employing some methods at home to extend the life of the dress. This can be done by undergoing a few steps, such as sealing the dress in an airtight container or bag. The less air and moisture the dress is exposed to, the less likely it is to develop mold and mildew and contract any long-lasting stains that could ruin it. Another problem you may not foresee is sunlight and, by extension, heat. When it comes to sunlight, the ultra-violet rays can cause yellow spots to appear on the dress, and if exposed to much heat, it could cause the same problem to occur. That is why wedding dress dry cleaning and its preservation should be left to the professionals instead of doing it on your own.


As you can see, it can’t be overstated just how delicate wedding dresses are and that just about every avenue should be taken when it comes to cleaning and preserving them if you want yours to last. It only emphasizes the importance of visiting a dry cleaning in Orange County, such as Crystal Clear Cleaners, for cleaning and preserving such a dress.  

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